KITTEN HEELS are often called ‘trainer heels’ in the U.S and they first made wave in the 1950s; went out of vogue over the course of time but they are now back again. Back in the 50s, they were predominantly used by adolescent girls. Speculatively, these event [coupled with its relatively lower heels compared to stilettos] might inform one on why the name ‘kitten’ has come to be.
A major concern when heels are brought to the limelight, is the length of the heels affixed. Unlike the stilettos which could [with higher heels length] induce distress, the KITTEN HEELS, having a lower heel, give comfort. It might not be the first choice heel for the dominating lady who desires to portray ‘sexiness’ but it is very useful for the modest dame. The KITTEN HEELS are quite moderate for formal functions- first ladies, top executives will never stop loving it. Their usage now cuts across all facets: from using they while on daily official functions to parties and other events where the stilettos might look awkward or ‘unqualified’ to grace, the KITTEN HEELS make a grand entry.
Talking about styles:
Modest fashionista are never to be starved of styles when designs are considered. Below are some KITTEN HEELS types and their prices:
- Simon snake-print kitten heel pumps (polka dot): $298
- Miu Miu Glitter-finished ankle strap: $495
- GILA kitten heel pumps: $175
- Lily Pointy Toe: $39
- Calvin Klein Diema: $55
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- kitten heels if youu0027re on a budget, this faux leather pair will instantly update your wardrobe. GZOBAIQ
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