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Military style: combat boots

Military style: combat boots

Boots have been a part of the wardrobe for a very long time and will be so for years to come. Combat boots have become a style statement among the fashion lovers of this generation.

As the name suggests combat boots are the protective boots that soldiers wear. But in the past few years these military boots have become a trending fashion. Even though they were developed for the soldiers, they have now become very common among civilians as well.

Combat boots come into the market in a wide range of colours and designs. Those suitable to both men and women are available. The major characteristic of a pair of combat boots is that they can withstand extreme conditions and still remain unaffected.

Various models like buckled up, laced up, zipped up models are available to the buyers. Each individual can pick up what is suitable to him/her.

The material used to manufacture these is mostly hard leather. This is because of the strength that leather can provide. Nowadays synthetic materials which are stronger than hard leather are used as supplements for making combat boots. The boot usually extends up to the region above the ankle, its heels and sole are mostly made of hard rubber. Rubber not only gives flexibility but adds to the durability of the product.

These go well with clothing like leggings because they can easily be tucked into the boot. Above all wearing combat boots is a symbol of pride and honour. Altogether they provide a look that is both tough and sturdy.

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