There are some must have pieces of clothing that come in handy any time, be it while you are riding a bike, you are going trekking or you are wearing a summer dress. One such piece of clothing is bike shorts. Bike shorts are basically short, skin tight leg wear that are designed to improve flexibility and to not let clothing become a hindrance or in any form reduce the efficiency while cycling, riding or exercising. They are also known as cycling shorts, knickers or spats.
Bike shorts are sleek and sporty, and the people who wear them appear devoted to their sport. However, this garment isn’t about looks. These shorts are vital pieces of equipment that give the rider several advantages over regular street clothes and are a necessity any time one wants to hop on a bike and hit the road.
Bike shorts are usually made of stretchy fabric in order to comfortably suit one’s riding shape. This fabric supports one’s muscles and promotes easy blood circulation. Another big advantage is that the fabrics have high-tech fibers that wick away moisture and allow one’s skin to breathe. These shorts have grippers at the bottom of each leg to keep them from riding upward. Men’s cycling shorts typically have a shorter rise and a wider waistband while women’s cycling shorts typically have a longer rise and a smaller waist. However, one shouldn’t consider the gender while picking out shorts. One should opt for a pair that is comfortable and fitting.
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