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How to wear a pencil skirt

How to wear a pencil skirt

Many ladies wear pencil skirts in their day to day lives and this article will try to show how you can wear a pencil skirt and really look stunning. The pencil skirt is essential when it comes to fall work wear, they are polished, professional-looking and one can easily wear it from office to work. So let’s look at some ways to wear the pencil skirt.

One way is to make head to toe colour work when going to work with a simple turtleneck sweater but also include some statement jewels. Also pairing your skirt with an edgy jacket is another to make the workwear look stunning and a bit more youthful. When wearing a bright pencil skirt, make sure you keep the rest of your looks subdued with neutral colours and let the skirt take centre stage. You can also opt for a structured look by slimming down your skirt and bring a modern look to the traditional office look.

You can also look glamorous wearing a knee-length pencil-skirt. This can be paired up with a classical button-down shirt and pointed toe shoes and for sure look elegant. The skirt also worn with a t-shirt, just tuck it into your pencil skirt and wear a tailored blazer on top. If you choose to mix the high and low, do it by pairing your chic-leather pencil skirt with just a plain button down. This will work perfect for the office and still give that evening vibe. There many ways you can look elegant with your skirt and those are just a few.

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